BAT matches expected income from the new business book to actual received income in the turnover record.
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Under FCA Reg Data obligations, an accurate record of income source is required.
Multi adviser practices need to pay on income received, not just provider statements of intent, and split by adviser and type of revenue.
Bulk uploads of data are freely available to marry up the new business register to the turnover sheets.
The bulk uploads can be made in any format, and matching tool enables auto-allocation and template creation.
Bulk upload your bank statement to reconcile to turnover
Use CSV upload, and we can even arrange to convert your pdf and paper documents into CSV for upload to BAT, using our connection to fellow Cheltenham firm, IFADATAFLOW.
The upload is almost instant, and provides a reconciliation report, and a list of exceptions that need to be allocated.
Book a Demo
Fill out the form to schedule a demonstration at your convenience.
This demo will showcase the key functionalities of BAT Compliance Manager and BAT CRM-PRO or CRM-Lite.
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