Designed for Mortgage & Protection advisers, to speed up the advice process. This suite has integrations with research tools iPipeline and Twenty7tec and it automates the Suitability Report.
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You put in the fact find, then pull into the screen any other policies.
Then you get the quote
Then you select and bring the policy into the workflow
Then the documents are pushed through from the quotation portals, and the suitabilty report SR is presented, ready to press download to WORD document or PDF if prefered.
You have never even left your screen, or opened a single piece of paper.
The paperless office has arrived
The one stop shop fro financial services has arrived for Mortgage and protection advisers.
Once again, as with so many parts of BAT, the various steps are customisable.
Note – this is not enabled for IFAs – we are still testing for more complex pension and investment work.
Designed for the Mortgage and Protection market, this feature helps speed up the advice process with key elements such as a custom Fact Find, Fee Models, and Research tools via iPipeline and Twenty7tec. Plus the ability to recommend and generate a suitability report.
There is an additional cost of £15 per user per month.
Watch video here on adding Advice Cases to your armoury via BAT Software.
To add this feature please select enable.
Book a Demo
Fill out the form to schedule a demonstration at your convenience.
This demo will showcase the key functionalities of BAT Compliance Manager and BAT CRM-PRO or CRM-Lite.
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No credit card required